Top gun hard lock wingman
Top gun hard lock wingman

top gun hard lock wingman
  1. Top gun hard lock wingman movie#
  2. Top gun hard lock wingman full#
  3. Top gun hard lock wingman software#

I have seen that movie more times than anything else my mom likes to tell me that I watched it at least 100 times in my fourth year of life alone. One of the most difficult aspects of innovation is that the early stages of the process are divergent. We brainstorm many possible solutions or approaches to the problem. It can be easy for teams to get lost in endless possibilities failing to make any tangible progress. The most innovative teams are the ones that remain laser focused on the problem that needs to be solved and avoid chasing the shiny airplanes objects.I love Top Gun. In this final scene, we see a dog fight during Top Gun school where Maverick makes a fatal flaw and looses focus. While covering his wingman's six, Maverick spots Viper, the head Top Gun instructor. Instead of staying focused on his responsibility to cover his wingman, Maverick breaks off and pursues after Viper. After a few moments of intense aerial gymnastics, Jester, the other 'enemy' aircraft in the training sortie pulls up behind Maverick and takes him out.

top gun hard lock wingman top gun hard lock wingman

Most great innovations occur by challenging the status quo. You have to be willing to push the boundaries and challenge ‘rules’ that you feel hold little to no value. You may get slapped on the wrist, but in the words of Laurel Thatcher “well behaved women rarely make history.” In this clip, Maverick requests permission to “buzz the tower.” His request was denied, but he decided to push the boundaries and do the maneuver anyways. The result was a ton of adrenaline for the two aviators, some spilt coffee for the air traffic controller, and one very upset instructor. In the end, Maverick and Goose got away with a wrist-slap and word of his “circus stunt” spread quickly to the other Top Gun trainees.

top gun hard lock wingman

Top gun hard lock wingman software#

Innovation is a team sport and the best way to form a high performance team is through effective communication. There is an African proverb that states “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” The most innovative companies are very tightly integrated… think Apple: Hardware and Software working together.Ĥ) Innovation requires boundaries to be pushed In this scene, Maverick eagerly tells the infamous story of when they were in a “4G inverted dive with a MiG-28.” He begins by using “I” language, unintentionally leaving his RIO, Goose, out. Goose quickly corrects Maverick who finishes the story with “we” language. The scene ends with Goose accidentally showing “the finger” to Charlie, who responds “Yes, I know the finger Goose.” When we’re tasked with coming up with an innovative solution to a problem, it is because the obvious solutions have failed. If you go into those types of situations with a lack of confidence it will most certainly end badly. Henry Ford is quoted saying “whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” To be innovative, you must believe you will ultimately be successful.ģ) Innovation requires collaboration and communication In this clip, the Top Gun class is assembled for their first day of training. As the instructor, Viper, lectures the class on how challenging the next several weeks will be, Maverick scans the room trying to figure out who’s the best pilot. When Viper asks him directly, Maverick responds with a level of arrogance and confidence that is off the charts.

Top gun hard lock wingman full#

Innovation occurs when there are constraints placed on the system that require a creative and unique solution. This truth is also widely excepted by artist that choose to limit themselves to a particular medium to explore the full spectrum of their creativity. The next time you’re looking to innovate, spend some time up-front and set the boundary conditions… this may yield new and creative solutions.Ģ) Innovation requires an extremely level of confidence In the opening scene of the movie, Maverick & Goose and Cougar & Merlin are confronted by two enemy MiGs. When the fighters asked for permission to engage they were sternly instructed “do not fire until fired upon.” Maverick was able to scare off one MiG by getting a missile radar lock on them. Meanwhile, the other MiG was reciprocating by getting a radar lock on Cougar & Merlin. Since Maverick was unable to fire on the MiG, he needed to get creative with his approach. In what is famously known as the “Watch the Birdie” scene, Maverick pilots his F-14 above the MiG, goes inverted (upside down) and sends a clear message to the enemy pilot… “the bird.” I feel the need, the need for speed!!! Here are 5 truths about innovation as told through clips from the greatest movie of all time, Top Gun.ġ) Innovation requires constraints to yield creativity

Top gun hard lock wingman